Owen Worley, Mobile Developer

I am a mobile developer specialising in iOS. I have been building great things since '09.

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Movie Battles 2 Hack (RC3 P3)

I am currently working on a new version to work with the new v0 patch for MovieBattles.<br/> It will have all of the features of the old hack, including some new ones...<br/> Tweaking the aimbot to use the bones from the Ghoul 2 animation system is top of my to-do list, as well as a ballistic aimbot with prediction (so you aren't limited to the disruptor!).<br/> <br/> I am also having quite a bit of fun reverse engineering the Simple Anti Cheat system that I have seen some servers running. <br/> Stay tuned for more updates <br/> <br/> <br/> Features:<br/> Aimbot, (Works best with BH Darts and Disrupter) <br/> Wallhack, see enemies through walls <br/> Cham Skins, enemies behind walls are a different colour <br/> Health ESP, see Enemy and Team Health <br/> Fullbright, increase the brightness of each map and remove shadows<br/>